Not to sound heartless, but people are not going to be totally reliant on donations to get by. There will be a ton of federal aid, insurance money, etc. going to these people.

There will be no refugee camps. People will be relocated to other cities. We don't live in a 3rd world country, and have plenty of room for the displaced all over the country.

Jim Edwards wrote:
We have a situation where we are going to have American refuges. The people of the Gulf needs help, lots and lots of help. If you haven't yet, consider donating to the Red Cross. I don't usually (because of $$ excuses) but damn, my countrymen are in a world of hurt in gumbo land. But I can't sit back and just let Americans die right here, right now while I sit in AC eating pizza in comfort.

If you got the impression that things where not that bad Monday and you haven't turned on the news lately, New Orleans is a doomed city. The levees broke and the city WILL drown. We have survivors walking out with nothing but what is on their backs not knowing where to go, what to do, no shelter, food, water, money, nothing. We are going to have refuge camps down there for a while. DO WHAT YOU CAN ASAP.

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