Remember, until 1997 FY, Louisiana, with an 18 year old drinking age, had been 
locked out of federal hiway funds, as well as having been locked out of 
land-based-grant programs until their drinking age became 21.  So, until then, 
the state really had almost no money to do such projects; by congressional 
rules, no money for anything other then federal projects could be handed to 

-----Original message-----
From: Christopher Fisk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu,  1 Sep 2005 12:12:37 -0500
To: The Hardware List
Subject: RE: [H] It's bad, really bad - Katrina

> On Thu, 1 Sep 2005, Analyst wrote:
> > The issue is that the repair, maintenance, and beefing-up of the 
> > levees, the very levees that broke through, was STOPPED in 2004, for the 
> > first time in 37 years, because of the Bushies massive budget cuts.
> Why didn't the city of NO pick up where the federal government stopped? 
> I mean hell, it's thier Levees!
> Christopher Fisk

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