I have been having lots of problems with my LAN.

COX cable..... New Motorola SB1020 modem... new coax cabling....>>

Netgear 314 Router>>>>>>

      Belkin WAP

       Latitude 233MX acting as a print and FTP server

     Dlink 8 port 10/100 switch>>>
        Netgear USB Print server
        I have a 10/100 bench box plugged in here

      SMC 5 port 10/100/1000>>>
            PC with onboard Intel GB NIC
            PC with onboard Intel GB NIC

Lousy Internet connects, empty bandwidth, dial up page loading speeds.... it has been going on for weeks. Plus My Gb LAN sucks. It should take 20 seconds to transfer a GB file and most of the time it takes 1 to 3 minutes. I keep resetting things, trying different configs and then every now and again it pops back and everything is great.... for a few hours, or until I unplug something who knows what the 9*!!XX is causing the problem. It is intermittent, it doesn't seem to follow any pattern.

I have been trying to solve this for a while. It is not COX, it is not my modem, nor any cabling.... all that has been replaced with factory CAT 7 stuff. and new coaxial runs. It is not software...same thing happens in secondary boot ins that are fresh installs with no protection.

I am starting to think it has to be the router.... but I would think it would just die... not go bad like this.. a low lingering death??? There is no way to reboot a 314 other then to re-flash.... which I guess I can try.

What confuses me is the lousy network transfers... intermittent. Shouldn't that be running directly across the SMC? I have the two Gb NIC PCs plugged into the SMC GB...switch Or is the router involved here in a regular transfer... the router, of course is 10/100. Could the router be screwing up the works.

To isolate the problem I tried running straight off the router with the switches turned off... but had the same Internet problems... that is when I decided to replace\ the modem. But I was also have lousy LAN transfers ...even for a 10/100. For example... just off the router to transfer a 1.32GB file takes 2 minutes 21 seconds.

Then when I turned on the SMP and plugged one PC into the SMC and left one on the router it jumped to 2:57 . Finally I plugged both PCs into the Gb SMC and now the file takes 3:03.... a few hours latter the same file transfers in 20 seconds. It's nuts... I don't know what the data is telling me!?!

I figure it is not software... it is not the NICs, the new cable modem, the new cabling.... the next thing it so replace the router.... anybody know anything about the Belkin F5D7231-4 . It makes since for me to get Belkin since I have the WAP which I can plug into it and extend range.

This problem has been driving me nuts.... anybody have any thoughts, comments????

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