This sounds RAID like but without the continuous backup of RAID, or are you backing up to an external drive? In my case, I was more concerned about data backups that can be easily taken offsite, so CD or DVD is the best choice (since I can't get people to spring for $1200 tape drives.) But after reading your comments and Brian's, I'm thinking they need a two fold system - weekly or daily system backups for catastrophic failure, and daily data backups. I had read some good things about Retrospect, and Genie Backup Manager ( - any one have any comments on either of these?


At 08:29 PM 11/12/2007, FORC5 wrote:
FWIW I use System Guardian ( Standby Disk )
Back up daily to a second HD, fully bootable without having to go thru a restore. Much more convenient then restoring from server or disk, and faster. Has saved my bacon more then once ( and my customers ) least amount of downtime of ANY backup SW. Overkill for home use but not business, I back up my business system every 12 hours. First is full, others are only what has changed so goes fast.
IMO is nothing finer.

At 04:45 PM 12/11/2007, Brian Weeden Poked the stick with:
>If you are looking to make backup images of installed OSes, I have been
>using Acronis Disk Image tools to backups images of my windows systems for
>about a year now.  I made a primary image when I first installed and then
>once a week Acronis builds a differential for me automatically and I have it
>store them on a networked server, although it can image to CD/DVD as well.
>When I need to restore I pop the rescue CD into my computer, boot to it,
>connect to the network drive, and about 10 minutes later it is back up and
>It's not the cheapest software in the world but I find it simple and easy.
>Once I set it up the only problem I have to worry about is running out of
>space on my backup server.
>On Dec 11, 2007 3:22 PM, Thane Sherrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm looking for a rock reliable backup program that will allow me to
>> schedule backups to CD and DVD.  Any suggestions?
>> T
>Brian Weeden

Tallyho ! ]:8)
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