This is why having the soffware schedule a wake up, power up the HD, back up, power down the HD, and resume is a good solution. No human interaction (or minimal, at least). Electrical isolation and non-spinning protects the HD (and data).

Thane Sherrington wrote:
At 01:13 PM 12/12/2007, Christopher Fisk wrote:

If you're mostly worried about data backup and want a cheapo solution, I can recommend the Maxtor One Touch system. it's an External drive with a button. Once configured, that button launches a backup of your choice setup through the maxtor software. It's not scheduled (You have to press the button), but it works quite well for a home user.

We have users who have it sitting on their desk next to their laptop. When they get home the plug in laptop and hit the button to back everything up. When they're done working for the night, instead of powering down, they hit the backup button.

It's got to be scheduled. I know this sounds ridiculous, but I can't depend on someone pressing a button.


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