More traction possibly but XP was still lamented until SP2 in favor of 2K. Vista usability I can not comment on for even though I have a legit Vista Business key granted by my brief college experience, we were never given access to the media & I've not cared enough to look for alternative media sources.

I'll join you on OSX when they decouple from the Apple hardware, not moving back to the pre-clone IBM PC days here. Still gaming here and don't find things on the Mac side improving much rather even the Windows side is seeing slacking support from game publishers crying boo-hoo about piracy. Along both lines it would be nice if the TPM chip made it's way to the gaming side of the PC replacing the serials, media & online checks post-activation, preferably in the form of a USB dongle. Of course TPM has not protected OSX from being reverse-engineered to run on non-TPM/non-apple Intel hardware. ;)

Any rate, my point was Vista delays & feature removal had more to do with big hardware vendors whining about potentially stalled sales if they did things right.

Ben Ruset wrote:
XP had much, much more traction at launch than Vista had. XP, pre SP1, was infinitely more usable than Vista is post SP1.

My vote for Vista will be that it'll climb in the boat with Me. The UI changes (aero) are here to stay, but hopefully Win7 will be what XP is today.

In any case it doesn't matter much to me. The last day of XP sales I got a MacBook Pro. :) My days of Windows as a desktop OS are (hopefully) over.

maccrawj wrote:
Read the Vista lawsuit papers & see why Vista was so labatomized by the request of the the likes of Dell & Intel looking to be able to sell their existing hardware solutions. Then send you business to HP who seems to have happily bit-the-bullet & upgraded their offerings to match original Vista requirements only to be screwed sans-KY by the bar-lowering. Now I guess you could also say Intel is doing it again to MS adding insult to injury after screwing Vista to begin with.

2K was not popular until a few service packs, XP same until SP2, will Vista get a bump later in the life-cycle or become the next ME? Inquiring minds want to know!

From what I see biggest loss for me sticking with XP is lack of 64bit support thus more memory per app & solid 64bit drivers, and maybe DX10 but all could have been added & supported into XP with MS charging $50 for an XP version 2 similar to 95-98-9se. FWI incremental for less money would have made more sense than hobbled Vista.

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