Thanks, and, mostly I follow your comments and JoeUser's to get an idea of things MAC. Now that Steine seems to be dabbling, I have another viewpoint. Not certain that W2K is totally EOL yet; I still get WinUpdates each month. Yes, I now longer have dreams of one last "SP5" for Win2K. When these stop I will decide and jump. I no longer have the time and/or money to try and acquire enough legit XP copies to keep my stable opsnorml. I will not go warez either. Email and web-banking is very much fun, but I can still go totally black (offline) and have a very competent, fully electronic "typewriter" in an interim.

Or, I will just segregate my one XP machine to full internet status and figure out how to filter it from my home LAN. Right now I am focused on a major upgrade to my home, so most things computer are again on hold............ :)

BSD still seems way too much cmd-line to me. Perhaps there are now solid wrappers that make it easier for a guy sans programmer experience. I'll give it another look though.

Mostly likely, I will go MAC. I am not concerned about hdw cost. I will buy as much as I can afford and then run it fully to failure. I do not tinker much anymore. I accept that I do not have bleeding edge anymore. I find it is not needed for my life/banking/commerce needs now. Still it is nice to know what is out there 'if only.'

At 12:34 06/28/2008 -0400, you wrote:
I think Win2k has been end-of-lifed for a while now. I know that during the last timezone change, MS released patches for XP and up and people were forced to write "unofficial" patches for 2k.

You'd probably like OSX. It's simple on the UI side, but if you want to tinker, there's a whole BSD system a bash prompt away. It's incredibly refreshing. So nice to be able to NFS mount my Netapp from my own workstation...

DHSinclair wrote:

working years at Xerox and the USArmy. Once MS support for W2K stops, I will just find another hobby; or, maybe trade in all my Windows toys in and buy a MAC.

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