You are right.  :)

But I am still amazed that when I first turned it on, and told it my email addie and password during setup, and it auto-configured itself and started downloading my email in such a short amount of time. Over wireless to boot, and does not use the standard ports these days, they use SSL for mail now.....

I could not manually configure Thunderbird or Agent or whatever in that short a time even after all these years of working with PC'S and software. :)

On Jun 28, 2008, at 11:37 AM, Ben Ruset wrote:

Well, to be fair, when I did my first Leopard update, it was a ~500MB update. But that also included iTunes, Quicktime, etc. updates.

My only complaint with OSX is the built in keyboard on my MacBook. It's missing home, end, page up, page down, and insert. When connected to an external keyboard the home and end keys don't work like they do in Windows and Linux either. But there's ways around that. It's a minor nit pick for an otherwise flawless (to me, so far) system.

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