Just as an experiment, try disabling all your addons and see what your frame rate is. That will give you a baseline that you can go forward from. Where do you feel your pc is lacking ?


At 03:52 PM 4/23/2009, It was written by Joe User that this shall come to pass:
Hello Christopher,

Thursday, April 23, 2009, 2:45:03 PM, you wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Apr 2009, James Boswell wrote:

>> What? World Of Warcraft should ABSOLUTELY FLY on a machine of that spec.

> Agreed.  I've seen this with other's in my guild on wow.  You need to
> prune some of your data files for your custom UI.  Things like recap and
> the like will kill your performance if you don't clear the data.

> /recap reset

> (Command might have changed, but I bet that is the culprit. -- just get
> rid of your huge history files in your various mods.)

> You can also disable them one at a time until you find the problem mod and
> decide if you need it or not.

> Christopher Fisk

Thanks James and Chris,
       I might just consider reloading WoW? It's the initial install
       when I built the system. Couple years ago. Lots of patches and
       updates. I should have considered that myself. I might trim up
       my mods a bit also I know I have a few that overlap functions.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

"...now these points of data make a beautiful line..."

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