Hello Gary,

Saturday, April 25, 2009, 5:21:12 AM, you wrote:

>     Just as an experiment, try disabling all your addons and see what your
> frame  rate is.  That will give you a baseline that you can go forward
> from.  Where do you feel your pc is lacking ?

> Regards.....Gary

Yeah I tried that written Thursday, April 23, 2009, 6:17:44 PM by me:

> But that's not the weirdest part, I just loaded my toon with addons
> and with addons disabled - I saw maybe a 5 to 10 FPS increase going in
> modless. So... I dug deeper. I found out I still had Intel's speed
> stepping (or w/e it's called) enabled. So I turned that all of.

> See how I do now and get back to you. BTW, my issue is during raids I
> stutter sometimes and when everything is turned to low save for spell
> details and a little distance... that shouldn't happen. IMO.

I really think I run pretty clean WoW. I mean, here's my mod list
which we never have fully discussed:

CTMOD (my main mod for alot of stuff inc UI)

Deadly Boss Mods (raiding)

DoTimer (Keep tracks of DoTs so I can keep them up)

Item Rack * (Which I will lose once Blizz implements theirs)

Movable Bags * ( Allows you to move bags around but i could lose it)

Omen (Raiding - Threat)

Quartz (Cast Bar/Latency - I could lose it though)

Questhelper (Self Explanatory but this mod is a pig and it's disabled
unless the toon is grinding - leveling up)

Ratings Buster (Informational that adds Item value to loot and
compares items vs in slot adds gems to figure out values - nice)

Recount (It's a Damage meter - usually off unless we are learning a
fight helps me benchmark my play)

SCT SCTD * (Scrolling combat text - which has been implemented by Blizz
but it's not as good as the original - still I could lose it)

SimpleMiniMap (I mainly use it to allow me to drag down the minimap
while I am mining herbing - to see where they are)

SmartBuff / Smart Debuff (Handles buffing and rechecking buffs and I
also use Debuff as raid frames and debuff removal)

Off these mods only the ones with * have been outdated and continue to
work - not sure if they will always be that way but I guess mod author
won't update them to because they work fine. Sometimes they just
update on major patches, etc. Either way I do not think they are
impacting the gameplay.

So right now I have between 9 and 10 MB of addon memory used. If
Questhelper was on it would add another 6 or so easy but that ones a
hog anyway. Otherwise only a few mods are close to 1MB mem usage
themselves and the rest are far less then that.

So, I don't feel the PC is lacking, it plays all my other games fine
but when I play WoW (which is with out a doubt my number one game)
during boss encounters in a 25 man I would/will sometimes skip and
hiccup and it just makes me nuts. When it happens I start to wonder am
I lowering my DEEPS because I am stuttering around? It's hard to react
to stuff also when your skipping around too.

 joeuser - Still looking for the 'any' key...

"...now these points of data make a beautiful line..."

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