Well I get 2 monitors active with CrossfireX enabled, this under XP. Even when I am gaming screen#2 still shows it's 2D desktop mode. Certainly seems for 3 or 4 monitors that crossfireX has to be off, at least with my 4 headed single card vs. two non-X2 cards.

Winterlight wrote:
At 04:13 PM 6/1/2009, you wrote:
Don't understand the question. Currently I have 2 monitors running, each can be a different resolution, each can be a clone OR part of the extended desktop. For that matter one can be full screen playback on the fly.

Are you saying that in non-crossfire mode with 3+ monitors there's an issue?

no I am saying if you run multiple monitors, I am running a Gateway 3000 on one Asus EAH4970 and two DELL 2407s on another EAH4970, each at it's native resolution. If I enable Crossfire I loose the DELLs 2D or 3D. I only see the 30 inch monitor. Asus says this is how crossfire works. So when you wrote that you were able to use multiple monitors with crossfire enabled I assumed you were spanning the monitors across one resolution.... which can be done with some drivers.

When I enable Crossfire in Vista 64, say to play a game, the desktop gets messed up when I restore normal mode. So I boot into XP64 with crossfire enabled if I want to play a game....and I only see the 30 inch monitor.

That may be different, it was my understanding that my card has 4 heads to do 4 monitors though I think to do so CrossfireX has to be disabled 1st. Currently I can't get CFX to disable & don't have time tonight to fiddle with it as I am flying out in the morning.

Winterlight wrote:
At 01:20 PM 6/1/2009, you wrote:
I run a 3870x2 and no matter crossfire or not I have 4 DVI heads that work in 2D mode.
but in one big spread across the monitors view ? Not with separate resolutions on each monitor.

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