Have fun and enjoy your new SSD

I don't think you can upgrade your RC to the Original. I've tried from RC to RTM and it's fail.

But, maybe I'm wrong.

At 09:31 PM 12/28/2009, you wrote:
The problem with waiting...is that I really will be waiting..on a slow HD and win7!

Too late. My SSD should come today!

Now the fun begins.

Questions: How best to move my C drive (boot + programs) to the SSD?
What software tool does the image best? Running Win7 RC. Will upgrade to Win764ibt Ultimate soon. I'd actually like to just upgrade over the RC. Is that possible?

Also, can one just move the USERS folder to the D drive and have Win7 track that move and account for it? There is a LOT of data in that folder that I would not have on an SSD.


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