Bryan Seitz wrote:
On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 09:31:36AM -0500, Anthony Q. Martin wrote:
The problem with that I really will be waiting..on a slow HD and win7!

Too late. My SSD should come today!

Now the fun begins.

Questions: How best to move my C drive (boot + programs) to the SSD? What software tool does the image best? Running Win7 RC. Will upgrade to Win764ibt Ultimate soon. I'd actually like to just upgrade over the RC. Is that possible?

Fresh install on the new SSD.  I know this is mainly a windows group, so
the following should be common sense by now:

a) Never upgrade windwows, ever, ever, ever.


b) A fresh install will always be faster and cleaner

It certainly will be cleaner....but it won't always be faster, since there is a lot of bits and pieces you need to carry over to ensure you don't lose anything.

The only reason I'd consider not doing a fresh install is because this is a relatively young install anyhow, and I don't load back all my stuff (software) since I knew I would be going this again...

Once you do a fresh install of the OS and our programs, do an image and keep it on the network for easy restores later on.

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