Could be because PCP&C in now part of their owner, OCZ.
I do so really like PCP&C's product, but NOW I look closer at Seasonic offerings.
Otherwise, I don't know.  910W?  Wow!
What are you trying to do ATM?

On 01/26/2010 14:30, Winterlight wrote:
I ordered a quiet 910 last month at Provantage and it was put on back
order. Now I am notified that the manufacturer has cancelled the
product. Funny thing is that neither Newegg or Provantage have much
PCP&C inventory, and the ones who have the 910 in stock want a lot of
money for them. So I called PCP&C and was told that Provantage and
Newegg are no longer buying from them and that yes the 910 was
discontinued seven months ago. A new line would be coming out the first
week of February which includes a 950 watt but so no prices have been
made available yet.

The whole thing feels like a business that is in trouble, maybe going
under, or was sold to somebody who is planning on capitalizing on their
rep. So Greg, you are still solid on Seasonic?... there seems to be
mixed reviews on Newegg Seasonic 850 50 percent great, 25 percent OK but
some kind of issue, and 25 percent DOA or a problem.

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