I haven't seen this type of behavior on my systems (WinXP/SP2), but the TechRepublic article I'm linking to says that it is standard behavior for System Restore to save every 24 hours. Who knew?

The article also provides registry tweaks to set your own frequency and get around the 24 hour cycle.

Recover From a Crash With XP's System Restore - http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-1040596.html


At 01:01 PM 5/24/2010, DSinc wrote:
Are there any good books to read about System Restore?
I use it. I like it. It has saved my bacon twice now.

I have noticed that my newer C2D machines like to create a new Restore point every 24hrs, roughly. Odd.

Is this normal?

Should I be looking for something not working correctly?

(I will share that my newest/older AMD Barton 2500+ also shares this odd behavior!)

I do use CCleaner to cull old Restore Points each month when I do WinUpdates. I always create a new, manual Restore Point post update.

ATM, I do not seem to have any trouble with any of my clients. Well, that I am aware of!

Just wondering?

"Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security, will not have, nor do they deserve, either one." - Benjamin Franklin

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