I used CCleaner to check my system restores in Vista 64 and there were 25 spaced roughly 2-3 days apart except for Windows Updates. I deleted 24 of them and kept the latest..

On Mon, 24 May 2010 12:01:30 -0500, DSinc <dx7...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

Are there any good books to read about System Restore?
I use it. I like it. It has saved my bacon twice now.

I have noticed that my newer C2D machines like to create a new Restore point every 24hrs, roughly. Odd.

Is this normal?

Should I be looking for something not working correctly?

(I will share that my newest/older AMD Barton 2500+ also shares this odd behavior!)

I do use CCleaner to cull old Restore Points each month when I do WinUpdates. I always create a new, manual Restore Point post update.

ATM, I do not seem to have any trouble with any of my clients. Well, that I am aware of!

Just wondering?

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