Yes, I do much the same each month after I do my WinUpdates. I digested the link Mike shared. Nice read. I'm now waiting for the internal timers to work post yesterday's WinUpdates. Minor quibble!

At least I now accept that my 'more modern' C2D/Asus P5Q systems seem to run just about like the link Mike shared. Fair Dinkum!

But I have yet to see my really old XP systems (2) that only get turned on for major app updates (~every 2wks) ever create a Restore Point at boot up. Smaller quibble! Much smaller because these 2 machines are old; one is an Asus CUBX/P3-800, and, the other is an AMD Barton 2500+/Asus A7N8X-E-Deluxe.

BTW: FORC5 is NOT crazy! Asus A7N8X series m/b's have lousy RTC logic. Mine is now screwing up even w/XP locked to the NIST clock in CO. LOL! Another old soldier for the pasture! Luckily I can still force these 2 old cranky PC's to reset their clocks ATM.

I so like this RP protection. Now, I have some info to customize/throttle it just a bit. Maybe........ :)

On 05/24/2010 16:20, Scoobydo wrote:
I used CCleaner to check my system restores in Vista 64 and there were
25 spaced roughly 2-3 days apart except for Windows Updates. I deleted
24 of them and kept the latest..

On Mon, 24 May 2010 12:01:30 -0500, DSinc <> wrote:

Are there any good books to read about System Restore?
I use it. I like it. It has saved my bacon twice now.

I have noticed that my newer C2D machines like to create a new Restore
point every 24hrs, roughly. Odd.

Is this normal?

Should I be looking for something not working correctly?

(I will share that my newest/older AMD Barton 2500+ also shares this
odd behavior!)

I do use CCleaner to cull old Restore Points each month when I do
WinUpdates. I always create a new, manual Restore Point post update.

ATM, I do not seem to have any trouble with any of my clients. Well,
that I am aware of!

Just wondering?

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