I agree completely but for a business customer, built 4 systems, PURCHASED the SW and he is getting WGA messages on two of them. Not had a change to get there and see what is up with that. There are a lot of PPL and businesses I believe will be using XP for a long time to come, I guess as with the Borg and MS resistance is futile ! But it costs money and a lot of ppl do not have a lot a loose change these days. Computers OS's are low priority to most.

I am going to suggest to them that now may be a good time to froggy hop to W7. I'll try to explain the security issues to them. Not sure if all their SW is compatible or not. Dread doing 4 clean installs, last time did ONE and cloned the rest and changed the keys and the network ID's, identical HW on all 4.


At 07:33 AM 8/23/2013, Brian Weeden Poked the stick with:

Don't think so.  They are completely different code bases.  Besides, should
be moving off XP anyways. Next April Microsoft stops issuing security
patches for XP forever.  It's basically open season on anything running XP
after that.


Date:  Friday, August 23rd, 2013

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