Thank you for your perspective. I will forward this to me OB. Trying to upgrade his PC is turining into a test of wills. I'm told that Friday 6/27/2014 is the day to try and upgrade his PC. I am so amazed at how much this upgrade is for my OB. We will survive and smile, or,
perhaps I will be bloodied. I am fully ready!

On 06/25/2014 14:30, Thane Sherrington wrote:
At 03:17 PM 25/06/2014, DSinc wrote:
Yes, I do accept that adobe/flashplayer is maybe a source-vector for viruses and malware. But, still many folk still use it. I still use it. It allows me to see YouTube videos, allows me to view webpages that require flash. That is my personal rationale. Opinions welcome!

I use it as well. I don't it's the vector people say it is - unless you surf dangerously, and then you're at risk anyway.

Cananyone share a download site to JUST download the latest version of FlashPlayer.exe....THAT IS NOT *polluted* with either Google Chrome Browser, or, McAfee's latest Security Suite?

Maybe I'm not sure. I'm on the distribution list from Adobe so I get it that way.


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