So we need to at least support gcc. It ain't the best but its ubiquitous. If someone so motivated wants to maintain MSVC compatibility they should be encouraged. No policy is necessary as the first is implied in the project mission. It is obvious however that strictly supporting Intel/MSVC/etc compilers is contra to the project's mission (since that would tie us to particular platforms/processors/vendors).


Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Oct 21, 2005, at 3:23 PM, Apache Harmony Bootstrap JVM wrote:

I'm with Geir on his comments, but evaluating MSVC
I think is a good idea because there are so many
folks who use it-- or is it?  Rodrigo' comments about
confusion with multiple compiler support make a
compelling argument about going with _one_
compiler-- and look at the minor diffs we have
already experienced!  Rodrigo needs '__int64' on
hit Linux box, and Robin is arguing with finding
the correct 'thread.h' (apparently), and I had no
problems.  All of us are using GCC.  What does
this tell us?  The less we deal with mechanical
issues like compiler invocations, the more real
work we get done.

Bottom line:  Should we just declare one compiler
for now and branch out later, once we have all of
our porting done?

I don't think there's a reason to mandate at this point, as long as the compilers don't collide.

However this turns out, I'm really against forcing people to have to pay for a compiler when there are good free ones available.


Next observation:  There has been an offer of help
with 'autotools' and some concern about that tool.
I've seen GNU autoconf work (part of autotools?)
nicely, and I'm interested in exploring this avenue

Dan Lydick

-----Original Message-----
From: Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 21, 2005 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: Small problems building under cygwin

I believe Express versions are available for download -

-- dims

On 10/21/05, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd like to be sure that we don't have a barrier to entry by having
to go get commercial software to  build the project - by this I mean
a MSVC requirement.  I'm happy if windows users can use MSVC if they
want - i.e. if someone supports it - but it can't be the only option.



Dan Lydick

Andrew C. Oliver
SuperLink Software, Inc.

Java to Excel using POI
Commercial support including features added/implemented, bugs fixed.

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