Hi Francisco,

> That's not correct. GCC is Free Software, VC++ 2003 compiler, although a
> free-of-charge download, is propritary software (you don't have access
> to the source and can't create derivative works under any circumstance).

  My comparison of GCC and MSVC was in terms of usage and cost (free
download, commandline - no IDE required) and not in terms of the

> Even more, I believe the license on the VC++ 2003 compiler does not
> allow you to run commercial applications.

  This is incorrect. The VC++ 2003 toolkit licence makes no
differentiation between commercial and non-commercial applications.
Both are allowed. You can check out the EULA at

> Please do not compare the proprietary compiler from Microsoft with GCC
> in terms of 'free availability'. You may not like the GPL license on GCC
> (which I really like), but that another issue.

  Please note that I have no issues with the GPL license whatsoever.

- tanuj

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