On 10-Feb-06, at 1:14 PM, Tor-Einar Jarnbjo wrote:

Jeremy Huiskamp schrieb:

Would I be correct in assuming that the majority of java.sql would be trivial to implement by reading the javadocs (everything except DriverManager)? I can take a whack at the low hanging fruit this weekend.

The java.sql package mostly contains interfaces, so it shouldn't be too much work, but what's so difficult about the DriverManager. It only has to manage a list of registered Driver implementations and the getConnection methods should only iterate through the available drivers, check if the URL is supported and if yes, delegate the call to Driver#connect.

Didn't say it was difficult, just that it's not trivial ;-) As in, the javadocs don't tell me everything I could possibly need to know to implement it. I'd love to take a crack at it, but I figured I'd start with the really easy stuff. If you beat me to it then so much the better :)



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