Nathan Beyer wrote:
I may be a bit naïve in regards to such things, but would it be possible to
create our own stripped down compiler package? My thought is that we could
just checkout the appropriate JDT code from Eclipse's CVS server, build only
the classes necessary and create a wee JAR.

I'd prefer not if we don't have to, because we don't create distributions of software unless we host the source and can account for it's provenance.

I'm guessing that the big concern would be legal ramifications, but I'm not
familiar enough with the various licenses to know.


Obviously this puts Harmony in the business of managing more stuff, but it
might help things out in the short-term. Perhaps such an example could be
posted to Eclipse with a bug to help the cause.

I'm hoping they just can distribute the jars we (and others) need separately.



-----Original Message-----
From: Geir Magnusson Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:32 AM
Subject: Re: [prayer] to the Eclipse Foundation

Tim Ellison wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
There was actually zero sarcasm intended there.  I was just hoping to
get your attention.  I've used this format effectively w/ the JCP as
well. :)

The only comment that I thought might get taken the wrong way was the
"bloat" comment, but from the perspective of being interested in
the java compiler and getting in a 100MB download....
Getting the compiler stand-alone would be the ideal, but as Mark points
out, if it doesn't work out you can also get the same thing via
Eclipse's 19Mb JDT binary download.
That certainly is an improvement...



So - can we get the Java compiler hosted officially somewhere?  Right
now, for the harmony classlib, we ask people to dig it out of the
eclipse distro, and the contributed build script for the new VM from
Intel does that same thing automatically.  Lots of extra bits floating
through the internets...

I think it would also assist adoption - it would make it easier for
other projects to use it via ant or maven jar fetches.

Of course, if it is already that way somewhere, and I'm just clueless,
deserve whatever drubbing you can aim my way :)



Mike Milinkovich wrote:
I've tried parsing the prayer a few times to delete the sarcasm and
understand exactly what you're asking for, but as with most prayers,
language appears to be imprecise.

What *exactly* is it that you're looking for?
Mike Milinkovich
Executive Director,
Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
Office: 613-224-9461 x228
Cell: 613-220-3223


-----Original Message-----
From: Geir Magnusson Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: May 4, 2006
7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [prayer] to the Eclipse Foundation

Seriously, anyone have any contacts there?  (Church of Eclipse, not

Mike, are you around? :)


Tim Ellison wrote:
Dear Harmony Project,

I think you are on the wrong mailing list, please try  (or whatever your personal preference).


Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
Oh Mighty Eclipse Foundation,

Thou art soest bountiful, we praise your munificence,
especially that
which compiles the java.

We beseech thee, in thy mercy, to offer to your lowly
servants that
which we covet alone in it's beauty, without thy holy bloat, for
while that which wraps the compiler of java nourishes
those without
the divine IDEA, we do not deserveth such goodness, nor have the
richness of time or heavenly bandwidth.

We ask this humbly, and with averted gaze as befitting our station.

The Harmony Project

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