> Mark Hindess wrote:
>> If it is acceptable, I'd very much like to create some snapshots in the
>> form of debian and rpm packages to see if we can encourage the masses
>> to give Harmony a try. 

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> How does it work "in real life"?  Are there linux packaging 'czars' that
> we might convince to start making these regularly available?

In Debian, it works in a very Apache-like way.

First, someone volunteers to make a .deb packaging and makes the package
(or packaging scripts) available to others to try.

Later, if the interest is high enough, one of the Debian maintainers
(you can think of them as of Harmony committers) uploads the package
to the official archive of "unstable" release. Or the very first
volunteer obtains Debian maintainer status through active participation
in Debian development.

Note, that at this point all Debian users can get a package from on-line archive
with only a little bit of configuration (modulo package dependencies).

Later on, if the package receives enough attention in the unstable release,
(bugs are filed and fixed, testing is performed), it graduates to the
"testing" release and then to "stable" release. This can take fairly long time 

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