Salikh Zakirov wrote:
> Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

>> I'd like to see us figure out the hythr problem, since 898 is a hack to
>> just work around what seems to be an important issue.  can we grind this
>> one out?
> A couple of words in defense of HARMONY-898.
> The classlib doesn't depend on a particular hythr implementation.
> In fact, it depends on hythr *interface*, which must be implemented
> somewhere in the system. At the same time, classlib provides its
> own hythr implementation.
> DRLVM itself reimplements the subset of hythr interface, thus making
> possible interoperation with classlib, but doesn't uses classlib's hythr 
> implementation.
> So, this is not the case of "classlib wants hythr1, and drlvm wants hythr2, 
> and hythr1 and hythr2 conflicts".
> In fact, this is "classlib wants some hythr, and provides hythr1. DLRVM 
> provides hythr2, and conflicts with hythr1".
> Thus, IMHO, the issue is not as important as it may seem, because there is no
> issue on "who provides hythr", but there is an issue of competing hythr 
> implementations,
> one of which comes with with DRLVM and works with it, and the other probably 
> works with J9 (I have never checked it myself).

This is darn important.  We have two implementations of the same thing,
and based on build order, we get differing results.  Clearly, one
implementation is *wrong*.

Either :

0) Classlib implements hythread in entirety, and VM uses that.

1) Classlib implements hythread and maybe asks the VM to provide
implementations for some stubs (like we do w/ kernel classes for the

2) Classlib depends entirely on the VM to provide.

If there's a difference of opinion on how it should be implemented, or
what functionality should be in there, lets have this out and sooner
than later...


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