On the 0x1E8 day of Apache Harmony Egor Pasko wrote:
> > >> If you let that run, it will build classlib and drlvm, and then
> > >> package in to hdk and jre, but I don't use this in my day to day life.
> > >>
> > >> I tend to go into either working_vm and build there via build/build.sh
> > >> (note you need to either set -Dextern.dep.CLASSLIB.loc correctly, or
> > >> just have a drlvm.properties file in working_vm/build or when I need a
> > >> classlib update, go up into working_classlib, do an svn update, and
> > >> then ant.
> > > 
> > > this one does not allow me to build.sh update on downloading
> > > XALAN. This is a kind of problem that appeared when classlib was not
> > > built, but now it looks like built successfully.
> > > 
> > > trying more...
> > 
> > Simple.  You need to tell the DRLVM build where to find the built
> > classlib.  Right now it assumes a structure like :
> > 
> >   enhanced/classlib/trunk
> >   enhanced/drlvm/trunk
> > 
> > but with the "federated build" structure of
> > 
> >   enhanced/trunk/
> >                 working_vm/
> >                 working_classlib/
> > 
> > I just put a file called "drlvm.properties" into
> > 
> >   enhanced/trunk/working_vm/build
> > 
> > that contains
> > 
> > external.dep.CLASSLIB.loc=../../../working_vm
> gotcha! :)
> external.dep.CLASSLIB.loc=../../../working_classlib
> maybe, put it in SVN directly? are there any caveats?
> > and then I can go into working_classlib and refresh and build, and
> > working_vm just picks that up on build and local assembly of jre.
> building further, drinking coffee..

interesting... if I build working_classlib and working_drlvm
separately, there is no issue with lcms.h, and the build is successful
(i.e. let's get rid of this lcms.h dependency later on)

And yet, I just cannot run it...

bash-boom-bang$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`:`pwd`/default ./java -showversion -cp 
<...> Hello
Apache Harmony Launcher : (c) Copyright 1991, 2006 The Apache Software 
Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.
java version "1.5.0"
pre-alpha : not complete or compatible
svn = r446534, (Sep 18 2006), Linux/ia32/gcc 3.3.3, debug build
free(): invalid pointer 0xbfffd0b8!
SIGSEGV in VM code.
Stack trace:
        1: free (??:-1)
        2: ?? (??:-1)
        3: hymem_free_memory (??:-1)
        4: find_call_JNI_OnLoad 
        5: properties_free (??:-1)
        6: find_call_JNI_OnLoad 
        7: ?? (??:-1)
        8: readClassPathFromPropertiesFile (??:-1)
        9: ?? (??:-1)
        10: ?? (??:-1)
        11: ?? (??:-1)
        12: ?? (??:-1)
        13: ?? (??:-1)
        14: _dl_runtime_resolve (??:-1)
        15: ?? (??:-1)
        16: JNI_OnLoad (??:-1)
        17: ?? (??:-1)
        18: ?? (??:-1)
<end of stack trace>
Segmentation fault

Am I running the Harmony Launcher? Should I run it somewhat

Egor Pasko, Intel Managed Runtime Division

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