It is with almost as much joy as being able to report TLP that I report that "patch available" now works.

First, all thanks to David Belvins. I had been able to set the "patch available" field in the default navigator, but it never occurred to me (and JIRA never bothered to tell me) that the field had to be turned on somewhere else. (Why JIRA doesn't have a field for "attachment" is utterly beyond me....)

Anyway, it all works now.

I've added the permission to that reporters can edit their own issues, and therefore if everyone that owns a jira could go in and set the "patch available" flag as appropriate, we'll be in good shape Real Soon Now.



Salikh Zakirov wrote:

we had a discussion about adding new searchable 'Patch Available' status
to JIRA [1] some time ago. Several people supported the idea, and there
were no objections.

However, no actions have been made.

Geir, have you forgotten about it, or do you have some objections?


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