On Friday 27 October 2006 02:29 Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> Gregory Shimansky wrote:
> > Strange thing is that when I *do* select Harmony project and click a
> > link in the box to show the specific custom fields project,
> I have no idea what that sentence means.
> then Status
> > menu doesn't have  "Patch Available" item, instead there is a "Patch
> > Available" checkbox at the bottom of the search queries page. That's why
> > I thought it is some custom thing made only for Harmony project. Maybe
> > it is just a weirdness of JIRA interface.
> it is a custom field, but can be used by multiple projects.
> I have no clue what you are talking about above.
> can you post a URL?

Ok I think I'll better post screen shots (hopefully attachment filter doesn't 
delete png files). URL is always the same, it is [1] and the contents of page 
is probably created by javascript.

Step 1. Open the URL [1] and look at the "Status" menu items. Scroll to the 
bottom. See shot1.png. It contains "Patch Available" and "Patch Reviewed" 
items. You can select "Patch Available" and search for JIRAs which have this 
status. You'll find TOMAHAWK, MYFACES, HADOOP, GERONIMO and ADFFACES, but no 

Step 2. Now select "Harmony" in projects menu. A grey box appears with a link 
to refresh search fields according to the project. See shot2.png.

Step 3. Now click on the link in grey box. See shot3.png. Look at the "Status" 
menu. It has no "Patch Available" item any more. But there is a "Patch 
Available" check box at the bottom.

Does it answer your question?

[1] http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa

(It is not a Mac, it is a MacOS-X theme on Linux)

Gregory Shimansky, Intel Middleware Products Division

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