Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> Tim Ellison wrote:
>> Now I've written all that, I it's clear that we should roll the VMI
>> functions into the jvm.dll too, and get rid of vmi.dll.  The jvm.dll
>> would export both sets of functions, i.e.
>>   JNI_CreateJavaVM
>>   JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMs
>>   JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs
>>   VMI_GetVMIFromJNIEnv
>>   VMI_GetVMIFromJavaVM
>> What do you thing?
> Why? What's wrong with both? Seems clearer to separate, and prevents
> charges of "vendor lock in" :)

You'll have to explain that comment to me.

Today, to use the VM a program has to load a particular implementation
of harmonyvm.dll, and our classlib code links against vmi.lib and uses a
particular vmi.dll.

I'm proposing that to use the VM any program can link against jvm.lib
but has to load a particular implementation of jvm.dll; and our classlib
code also links against jvm.lib and uses the same jvm.dll.

How is the second scenario harmony-specific and not the first?



IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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