Tim Ellison wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
Tim Ellison wrote:
Now I've written all that, I it's clear that we should roll the VMI
functions into the jvm.dll too, and get rid of vmi.dll.  The jvm.dll
would export both sets of functions, i.e.

What do you thing?
Why? What's wrong with both? Seems clearer to separate, and prevents
charges of "vendor lock in" :)

You'll have to explain that comment to me.

Today, to use the VM a program has to load a particular implementation
of harmonyvm.dll, and our classlib code links against vmi.lib and uses a
particular vmi.dll.

I'm proposing that to use the VM any program can link against jvm.lib
but has to load a particular implementation of jvm.dll; and our classlib
code also links against jvm.lib and uses the same jvm.dll.

How is the second scenario harmony-specific and not the first?

We are doing this to conform to some convention, right? If the covention for jvm.dll is a standard invocation API, why would we also bundle in the harmony-specific VMI API?

Why not keep that separate and try to push that forward as a convention as well?


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