I don't have an MLS yet, but I can tell you that we
started to catalog our new JCC library using LC
because the librarian we hired came from a university
setting.  People who tried to find things on the
shelves had trouble; fiction is especially tricky for
patrons used to searching alphabetically by author.
Our new librarian has decided to use Elazar instead.

I think the question you have to ask is, "Who are your
patrons?"  If they are scholars doing research at a
college-level or above, then LC will be helpful with
their interlibrary work.  But if they are adult and
child congregants who want to learn more about Judaism
and read some Jewish books for pleasure (not that
serious study isn't fun), then they are more likely to
continue a book search in a public library, which
probably uses Dewey.  In any case, they can search
elsewhere using the title, author, or subject
headings.  You could even post a chart (if it exists)
that gives the equivalent listings in LC and Elazar.

(I'm still using Dewey at my small day school library
although I'm keeping Judaica separate from everything
else; we only recently decided to add non-Judaica to
the library.  I like Dewey because, like your
committee member, I want students to be able to use
the public library easily.)

Rose Myers
JCC Community Library
Bridgeport, CT
Edith Scheinberg Library
Hillel Academy
Fairfield, CT

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