I appreciate the efforts of Steven Bernstein and others to combat the 
inaccuracies of the Encyclopedia of Race and Racism in regard to the 
article on Zionism.  However, I must disagree with Aviva Astrinsky 
who, in a side comment in this thread, puts the New Testament and the 
Protocols of the Elders of Zion in the same category (best sellers 
that contain lies).  While the tragic truth is that the New Testament 
has been misused over the centuries as a basis for anti-semitism, and 
while selected passages seem noxious to our modern ears, a variety of 
Jewish and Christian scholars has demonstrated that most of the New 
Testament was originally written by Jews, and the problematic 
passages were overheated rhetoric (common for the time period) 
between rival Jewish sects.  To characterize the New Testament as 
containing lies is to misunderstand it in its original cultural and 
religious context.  In no way should it be compared to the Protocols 
of the Elders of Zion.

Mark Stover
San Diego State University

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