This morning, I was cataloging "The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism" 
(Gale, 2008) and—as I flipped through the pages—came across an 
article in the third volume on Zionism that insinuates that Zionism 
is a form of racism.

Among the things he claims on the first page of the article:

·         "Because it defines Jew not by religious observance, 
language, place of birth, or culture, but by descent, Zionism is an 
ideology of race." (Last time I checked, anyone can become a Jew 
through conversion so the claim that Zionists define Jews solely by 
descent is completely inaccurate, especially since those things by 
which he claims we don't identify ourselves are the very things by 
which we do!)

·         "The policy of attaching more importance to the 
establishment of Israel than to the survival of the Jews (which was 
consistent with the Zionist rejection of assimilation) led the 
Zionists to collaborate with the Nazis (with whom they shared the 
belief that Jews were a racial community based on blood) in promoting 
Jewish emigration to Palestine." (Where have I read this claim 
before?  Oh right!  Abu Mazzen!)

·         "In the war that ensued, the Zionist forces, trained and 
equipped by Britain and with additional arms from other countries, 
were easily able to defeat the outnumbered and outgunned forces of 
Jordan, Egypt and four other Arab states, whose rulers had already 
accepted the partition of Palestine." (What?!!!)

Were this article an opinion piece contained in a magazine or some 
collection of essays, I would have no problem adding it to my college 
library's collection despite its anti-Semitic tone.  I do not believe 
in censorship—everyone deserves to be heard.  However, this article 
purports to represent factual information and appears in a reference 
source from a trusted publisher.  I think this is going to sit on my 
to-do shelf for a bit while I figure out whether my ethical 
obligation is to put all items out there for our users or to put 
factual items out there for them.

This is just an FYI to anyone whose library might be ordering this 
item and/or to anyone in AJL who might want to write Gale to complain.

  "Zionism is Racism" is racism.

  Steven Jay Bernstein
  Assistant Catalog Librarian
  Elihu Burritt Library
  Central Connecticut State University
  1615 Stanley Street
  New Britain, Connecticut 06050
    PHONE: (860) 832-2079
      FAX: (860) 832-2053

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