Back to the language wars then.

It does seem like integration of Haskell and the NGWS is a graunch, largely
because Haskell is not OO.

Is there anything preventing Haskell from becoming OO and seamlessly fitting
into the NGWS? Or from designing a functional language that would be a good
fit into the NGWS.

A major problem I see is that there is probably a standard set of container
classes in NGWS which have a high impedance mismatch with the lists
functional languags use for their constructions.

Can we ever have functional programming "in the large" given the OO paradigm
and NGWS are both here to stay?  This can not happen until I can get a
language which seamlessly fits into NGWS (or some similar thing on a
non-windows platform).

-----Original Message-----
From: Antony Courtney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 3:49 PM
To: Jürgen A. Erhard
Subject: Re: Haskell and the NGWS Runtime

"Jürgen A. Erhard" wrote:
> >>>>> "Manuel" == Manuel M T Chakravarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Manuel> "Erik Meijer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
>     >> [...] The lab is *sponsored* by Microsoft, but definitively not
>     >> Microsoft. I doubt there are any Linux boxes at Microsoft :-)
>     Manuel> [...] There have also been reports of Linux boxes in the main
>     Manuel> company, but the validity of these reports is of course not
> But easy to believe... I mean, wouldn't you take a good look at your
> competition? 

Having spent five years doing Windows and Win32 hacking, and 10+ years
doing Unix hacking before that, I can assure you there is little evidence
that Microsoft are interested in learning anything whatsoever from Linux
or any other Unix work-alike.  Rather than re-iterate the argument, I'll
simply point interested readers towards the excellent article
        "Working with Win32: the good, the bad and the ugly"
        by David G. Korn  

which mostly reinforces the quote:
        Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent 
        it, poorly. -- Henry Spencer

Now that I've gotten MY little barb in, can we PLEASE end this tangent on
OS wars, and return to our regularly scheduled language wars?  :-)


        (haskell list lurker)

Antony Courtney

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