On 5 Jun 2007, at 16.07, Andrew Black - lists wrote:

How many times have I gone to a form


Why can't it check your username is sensible before all the other things. I guess with Ajax you can

Indeed, indeed. It's not just checking the username, for that matter. It's any sort of validation that can go on, and nearly every form uses some sort or another, not just registration forms. Checking for allowed characters, checking whether a phone number is properly formatted, checking whether the enter-your-password-twice fields match...

I've been writing a form-building library for web apps written in Python. It has built-in Ajaxy stuff for that kind of validation. For any input (or multiple), you can supply validators, and it generates the JavaScript to perform the validation asynchronously and without requiring any reloads. Validators are normally written in Python and executed server-side, in which case my library calls it with Ajax, but they can also provide JavaScript versions of themselves, if it's something that doesn't require server-side data.

I'm sure there'll still be some things to hate in there, but at least it's progress!

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