On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 03:45:23PM -0400, Chris Devers wrote:
> On Aug 16, 2007, at 3:35 PM, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> >On 16 Aug 2007, at 10:07, Denny wrote:
> >>Then pay for it.  Next?


> >Get a mac, then not only will you be paying over the odds for hardware
> >but you'll be buying software that has the annoying habit of Just  
> >Fucking Working.
> ...err, except that SideTrack *is* Mac software

And as typical for mac software, absolutely trivial programs all want 15
to 30 bucks for doing things like... converting line terminations for
text files.

I don't know what it is about the mac ecosystem that encourages this
kind of nonsense.  Or maybe I've been brainwashed by the Hippy Operating
system, but when I write some trivial, but well made software I simply
make it available for other people.  The overhead of collecting fifteen
dollars a pop from individuals for mouse configuration software seems
like a net reduction in Quality of Life for everyone involved.  And that
goes directly against, to my mind, the whole idea of the "just works"
Mac message.

I've never bought it.

Yes, trivial software with a price tag is hateful.  Don't use it, okay,
I don't.  But I hate it so much that the mere *existence* of the crap is
enough to piss me off.  Large involved software with a price tag does
not offend me.  I fully understand the work involved.  Hello world, ten
bucks please?  Die.

The worst are the bottom-feeders that port a free software application
to the mac (ie. create a configuration dialog) and then charge 30 bucks
for their modifications.  There are lots of these in the lesser-used
corners of software, and their sponge-ware seems to discourage the
original authors from bothering to do the port.  Sad.


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