Peter da Silva wrote:
> On Aug 17, 2007, at 5:37, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
>> The balancing act is not to annoy the undecideds overmuch while
>> pissing off the freeloaders sufficiently.
> What is the business case for even caring about the freeloaders?
> Seriously. They do not represent lost business. Attempting to piss them
> off "sufficiently" loses business. I'd have hoped that this kind of
> irrational response to positive externalities would be treated the same
> way other unprofessional behavior (like, say, spamming) is.

Wait a second.  Are you saying the RIAA's argument that they're losing
billions of dollars of revenue to pirates are somehow... misinformed?!  That
their heavy handed legal campaign against them might be irrational and
unprofessional and cause them to lose legit customers?!

Shocked, yes I am SHOCKED to find this information out!

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