jrod...@hate.spamportal.net writes:

> On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 08:09:39AM -0500, Ricardo SIGNES wrote:
> > 1.80 means 1.800000.  1.95.1 means 1.095001.
> How in the nine hells of software hate doesn't it mean 1.950001 or
> some such crap?

Because (I believe the reasoning goes) if 1.95.1 mapped to 1.950001 then
what would 1.100.1 map to to ensure it's greater?

(Though of course that's only putting off the problem for 1.999 and

> How is this defensible in any possible way?

While I can see what they're doing, in practice the 'heuristic' trying
to hide when 1.95 means 1.95 and when it means 1.095 in a way which
doesn't surprise humans fails far too often, yielding hate.


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