On 2008-01-15, at 07:09, Ricardo SIGNES wrote:
Perl's interpretation of 1.80 as 1.800 might not be what people expect, but it makes sense when "versions are just numbers that you <=>."

Version numbers ARE NOT "just numbers".

Version "numbers" are n-tuples of integers. They are not floating point numbers. Mapping them into floating point numbers is hateful, evil, and rude.

This is so bloody typical of the hateful "we're going to do everything differently" attitude that Larry Wall infused into Perl right from the start, to the point where Perl fans will defend the most screwed up designs... until the next version of Perl comes along and breaks everything and the new broken way is good and teh old broken way is bad.

version.pm, v-strings, and qv say, "Yeah, that's nice and all, but
wouldn't it be great if nothing made any fucking sense and I took a whiz all over your UNIVERSAL methods? Yeah. Open wider and stop gaggig, bitch."

Where "universal methods" means "a hateful bloody stupid idea that pretty much only Perl actually uses".

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