On Tue, Jan 15, 2008 at 09:46:01AM -0600, Peter da Silva wrote:

> Version numbers ARE NOT "just numbers".

Then stop calling them version NUMBERS.  While you, and other people,
continue to do so, then people will assume that "hey, it's a number" and
"I can do numbery things with it".

> >                                   "Yeah, that's nice and all, but
> >wouldn't it be great if nothing made any fucking sense and I took a  
> >whiz all
> >over your UNIVERSAL methods?  Yeah.  Open wider and stop gaggig,  
> >bitch."
> Where "universal methods" means "a hateful bloody stupid idea that  
> pretty much only Perl actually uses".

Wrong.  Smalltalk, to use the example that object weenies soil their
pants over, calls UNIVERSAL "Object".  In Smalltalk, you inherit "new"
and "subclass" from Object.  In perl, you inherit "isa" and "can" from
UNIVERSAL.  Stuff that's in UNIVERSAL is universal in the sense that
every object has 'em, cos everything ultimately inherits from the same

Of course, I'm quite happy for you to diss Smalltalk as well.  Can't
stand the language myself.

David Cantrell | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  "Cynical" is a word used by the naive to describe the experienced.
      George Hills, in uknot

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