On 2008-03-10 at 11:07 -0600, Jeremy Stephens wrote:
> OK, I need some input.  My co-workers and I were discussing this 
> today.
> Which of these has the most evil and hateful configuration?  Apache, 
> Xorg, or exim?  I think my vote has to be exim.

Xorg, but since most stuff doesn't need Modelines any more the hate is
waning.  Apache, without mod_macro, would be higher on my hate-list.

I've not actually seen what's hateful about Exim's config, although if
you've only ever seen the Debian-ised bastard mutant offspawn of M4
macros then that's different.  Debian are trying to ensure that
installing package foo automatically has Exim take care of foo's
mail-requirements after just a package reconfigure.  The aims are noble,
just don't try and look at how it's done.

Is your experience with Exim debianised or not?  If not, then personally
I think you're on crack.  Exim not only has a relatively sane
configuration, it's one designed for humans to read and the manual is
called The Exim Specification for a reason -- if behaviour doesn't match
the manual, it's a bug.  No arguments, no quibbling, one or the other
gets fixed.  It's the most complete and comprehensive and most damned
useful documentation of any software product I've used, beating even BSD
Unix man-pages (since there's more structure and more useful internal
cross-referencing, together with more explanation as to 'why').


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