On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 10:38:16AM +0000, Peter Corlett wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 09:11:13PM +0000, Martin Ebourne wrote:
> [...]
> > As to the GUI user experience though, I've yet to find any other system
> > that even comes close to the productivity and ease of use of RISC OS,
> > which is sad indeed some 15 years later. That's a topic for almost daily
> > hate ever since.
> Have you ever actually *used* an OSX-era Mac? All of the usual useful RISC
> OS features appear to be present and correct.

Except the drag-to-save.

That's something still hateful to this day on every (other) OS - I have a
Filer/Finder/Explorer/whatever window open, and I can *see* where I want to
save the file to. A nice, clear to use, icon based system.

But I have to navigate a text list in some bastard son of F*/F*/E*/$...@!#
to the *same bloody place* if I want to save my new document there.


I've just had to do the *same thing twice*. Why? Why did the computer make
me do something twice? Isn't it supposed to reduce my workload, not double

Gosh. This is a 20 year old hate. And I think I've never aired it here.

Nicholas Clark

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