Peter Corlett <> writes:

> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 10:43:50AM +0000, Nicholas Clark wrote:
>> That's something still hateful to this day on every (other) OS - I have a
>> Filer/Finder/Explorer/whatever window open, and I can *see* where I want
>> to save the file to. A nice, clear to use, icon based system.
> If you see a file icon in a window title bar, that's a proxy icon which can
> be dragged and dropped just like Finder items. These may also be dropped
> onto file dialogs to prefill the location.

Then why does it still have that ugly, 100% fail save dialogue?
Somebody went to all the trouble of writing drag-icon-to-save
functionality and thought it best to hide it where nobody would think to
look rather than integrate it into the standard save dialogue possibly
with the option to turn the old shit one off.

Also, what happens if you try and use this functionality and drag the
icon into an application which isn't finder?


I must take issue with the term "a mere child", for it has been my
invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely
preferable to that of a mere adult.
                                           --  Fran Lebowitz

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