On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 03:50:24PM +0200, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
> Dedicated music players all suck so bad that using *mplayer in a
> shell* turns out to suck less.

I still regularly use a collection of shell scripts that call out to a
set of players including (but not limited to) mplayer, ogg123, madplay,
and audioplay.  I tried xmms for a while since modplug is more complete
than mikmod these days, but find the bitmapped interface an absolute

I'm heavily of the opinion that song library management (including
download/upload), playlist managment, and replaying should be distinctly
separate activities handlable by separate pieces of software.

I hate excessive integration that can't be decomposed.  even emacs is
more modular than itunes.

  Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." | agr...@poofygoof.com

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