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On 6/26/09 5:35 PM, Nicholas Clark wrote:

> autoconf, automake and libtool. What more could one need?
> Actually, what other non-overlapping software could one legitimately use to
> increase the hate?

This reminds me of an April Fools thing I planned on doing but never

I was going to implement the next generation codebase for /bin/true --
shared library, autoconf/automake/libtool project, language bindings for
everything under the sun.  Oh, also a networking model, so you could
determine truth over a network socket.  Of course, you'd have to have an
obvious bug in the protocol so that someone could implement a DDOT
(distributed denial of truth) attack.

Release it April 1st one year, and then, the next year, announce a
schism in the TrueNG community because of disagreements on the future of
the codebase, and say that the project is being forked.

It was funny in my head, anyways.  In practice, given the state of such
things, I think it would be believable enough that the joke would be
lost on people...

- -- 
Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick
Fink, KDE, and Mac OS X development

Blog: http://www.raccoonfink.com/
Music: http://music.raccoonfink.com/

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