On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 10:15:03PM +0100, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

> The point is that it does not work in the *general case*, because
> a confluence of UI and API choices means that applications *may*
> crash under FFM, because of how the menu bar works. You can list
> exceptions to the rule (ie. written not to crash under FFM) all
> day long and it won't make any difference to the existence of
> legacy apps that will crash.

I'm aware of this reason, which I agree is valid in the general case for
a strict interpretation of "focus follows mouse".

But what I fail to see is why one can't have focus following mouse, with the
menu bar *also* "following" the mouse.

Presumably, because that would be not-hateful, and hence breaking one of
the fundamentals of software?

Nicholas Clark

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