On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 02:13:00PM -0600, Peter da Silva wrote:
> On 2010-12-21, at 14:00, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
> > * Gerry Lawrence <gwlp...@gmail.com> [2010-12-21 20:05]:
> >> Focus follows mouse - which I can get on any unix, easily, and
> >> any microsoft, with a little more effort, is impossible on the
> >> MAC.
> > It's actually *technically impossible* to implement Focus Follows
> > Mouse on MacOS. Do you want to know why? It's because of the menu
> > bar at the top of the screen.
> It's impossible, but not because of the issue you listed. That's an 
> implementation detail that's really washed out by the related user-interface 
> detail.
> When you focus on a window, two things automatically happen.
> 1. The window is raised. We can stop doing that and make you click on the 
> title bar to raise or lower a window, so we can work that one out.

Even without focus follows mouse, I often want my active window not to
be raised.

> 2. The menu bar changes to match the focussed window. This obviates the issue 
> you mentioned, but brings up a bigger one. Now you can't click on the menu 
> bar because as soon as you leave the app you lose the menu bar!

Uhm, sloppy focus? When I use my Linux box (or in previous lifes, my
Solaris/HP/ or Cygwin box), my application doesn't lose focus, until my
mouse enters *another* application. Focus isn't lost by just having the
mouse leave the application. Of course, you'd still have a problem if you'd
have to travel over several other applications to reach the menu.

> To implement focus follows mouse on the Mac would require an alternate 
> mechanism to bring up the menu bar. Such as making it a default contextual 
> menu on the app.

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