On 2012-05-13, at 21:13, Walt Mankowski wrote:
> On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 09:07:56PM -0500, Peter da Silva wrote:
>> On 2012-05-13, at 20:55, Walt Mankowski wrote:
>>> * We'll add classes later.
>>> * C

>> Classes were still a kind of experimental idea in 1970, and it
>> wasn't at all clear they'd ever be able to be implemented
>> efficiently in something like C.

> Yeah, I probably should have put a smiley after C. I was thinking
> about the schism into C++ and ObjC, but we can't really blame Ritchie
> for that.

Pity about CO2 (C O squared / C Object Oriented)

Stupid language designer tricks #2^n-1

* Keep it proprietary
  * Smalltalk
  * CO2

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