> This was just an error with the "consolidate merge patch". Like I said
> in the previous email, these patches are just for Jenkins QA to run
> on, and I assume that any HDFS committer is able to look at the branch
> itself to understand the changes in it. It's easy to accidentally end
> up with extraneous changes when you try to generate these merge
> patches - eg the same thing happened to you earlier this week on
> HADOOP-8562 if I'm not mistaken.

I actually look at the merge patch for reviewing all the changes going in,
I cannot track all the changes and the incremental updates that may not make
sense if you do not follow the patches in the order they are committed.

It did happen on HADOOP-8562. I did say that this for Jenkins but not for

> The difficulty is defining "actively reviewing the patch". Making 3 or
> 4 cursory comments once every 2 weeks doesn't look like "active
> review" to me. On the other hand, I spent probably 40-50% of my time
> over the last month reviewing and testing this branch and have voted
> +1.

I am not sure where the confusion is coming form. Clearly there were folks
reviewing the consolidated patch, as I have shown. Clearly there were
being made based on the consolidated patch and tests were being done using

When a feature is developed in a branch, each jira without the context of
the previous
patch may not even make sense. I find it convenient to review the

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