At 12:24 12/10/2002 -0700, you wrote:
Have you considered consolidating some of them into bodygroups and skins for
a smaller number of models instead of the exorbitant 200 you mentioned?
Not unless body groups can be completely different models (ie hitboxes,
skins, bones, animation, controllers).

I will have - at LEAST 150 models. Definitely more.

  It could potentially reduce some of the wasted space by eliminating
information.  You're still never going to get all 200 of those in, but you
might be able to increase the maximum number you *can* precache somewhat.
No information to duplicate... they're all unique :/

Why is it impossible to determine which models will be needed during a map,
though?  Surely you have some idea of what will be necessary for a specific
I can determine which ones will appear in a map (i.e pre placed, or
guranteed to appear somewhere), or ones that are part of a set that can
randomly appear, however, the player can use one of any of these at any
time he wishes, with no warning.

This is for the Pokemod ( ), and each pokemon
(only R/B/Y ones for now - G/S has another 100 or so >.< )needs its own
model (duh), plus player models (these can be pre-determined), NPC (same),
but the player could pull  out any pokemon he had and throw it out into the
game at any time. Thus my problem.

I could precache only the ones he has on his belt and in storage... but in
Multiplayer that could easily get to 150 :/

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